Monday, November 23, 2015


So, interestingly enough, 1 year and 1 day since my last post, here I am updating it, and what makes it even more interesting is that my previous post was about how much I found The Sims 4 boring, when I was just playing it before logging in here , Ha! I wasn't even going to mention it until I read what I wrote about it one year ago.

The fact is that my boyfriend installed TS4 again a few months ago, with the updates and all (yay pools that I use mostly for decoration!) might have been around June or July, idk, and after watching him play, I felt the curiosity to try it out again, and I really enjoyed it, I had been playing TS3, in which I really like the University expansion, but I wanted something different and ended up trying TS4 again, and I got hooked. Its still in my opinion a step back from the 3rd game, but I'm enjoying it, got into the whole gardening and outdoors aspiration thing, and its pretty fun, the few careers in which you can actually go to work with your sim and get involved with were a really good thing to add, I think its probably from the Get to Work expansion, and I hope they add a few more, it was a huge step forward and it certainly enriched the game experience, even if after a while (like anything on sims) its get tiring and you just end up sending them alone to work. I still think they take a shitload of time to eat but other than that the time frame is not as annoying as it used to feel when I first played it.
Anyway, I just wanted to post a little update wasn't even planning on making it about anything specific, I'm still playing This War of Mine, they added a few update a while back and its really cool, you can choose which locations will show up on your map, you can create characters, they came up with a number of different back-stories with a profession and skill to chose from for a character, you can now choose if you want winter at all or how harsh, or how early on, added a couple new locations, a second shelter layout that will be randomly chosen, and a few other stuff. I'm not playing every day but I'm still very much into it.

;) I hope it wont take me another year to post again! ;P

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Games and life...

The Sims 4 sucks.... (at least In my opinion), the whole no swimming pool and no toddlers thing didn't really bother me 1st because I figured they would eventually bring it back and 2nd because I don't really use swimming pools, they are more of a decoration item for me. The toddler thing turned out to be even less of an issue to me since I found the game so boring and full of unnecessarily realistic shitty interactions and time frames that I couldn't even imagine playing it long enough to have kids in it, what really bothered me was how long it took to do any given task, it was boring and made it feel like a job, to me it forces you to realize that the game is about you taking care of a virtual person's needs, and what I like about The Sims is that feeling that you are somehow living through your virtual characters and having fun with it, with Sims 4 life was really boring, a lot more boring then my real life can be, that's all I have to say about that.

On a brighter note, Far Cry 4 is out and very much IN, haven't got the chance to play just watched my boyfriend exploring a little of the game and a little of the map editing, I missed the cassowaries haha but its all good, great animals with great details, the elephant is just the top of awesomeness. Also got This War of Mine which I am currently addicted to, and since its what I can run on the laptop (for the big games I need my boyfriends PC) its just easier to find a little time to play at night before bed, This War of Mine is amazing and I can't wait to finish posting this so I can go play it some more.

Other news, I am now working two jobs, still on the other job I had but only doing mornings, and then in the evenings I am teaching music at two schools, I have one class of 2nd graders and 4 classes of 4th graders, I'll just say that its handful, but its also fun, and I get free hugs :)

Love, Koré <3

Thursday, October 16, 2014


The superpowers often behave like two heavily armed blind men feeling their way around a room, each believing himself in mortal peril from the other, whom he assumes to have perfect vision. Each side should know that frequently uncertainty, compromise, and incoherence are the essence of policymaking. Yet each tends to ascribe to the other a consistency, foresight, and coherence that its own experience belies. Of course, over time, even two armed blind men can do enormous damage to each other, not to speak of the room.

- Henry Kissinger, The White House Years (1979)

Thursday, September 25, 2014


I just realized that tomorrow is my 1 year blog anniversary! How awesome for me!

So, the last time I posted I was about to finish school and I am now done with that, I babysat my nephew the following month and started working this month, which is awesome because not everyone gets offered a job before they even graduated officially (which was the case) but i feel tired...

I haven't had any decent free time for myself in a very long time and I must admit that I never looked forward to working with children, it is very demanding and exhausting, of course it can also be very rewarding but I just don't feel it, specially because I'm mostly there do help them with their homework and study other than doing activities which is what I mostly studied for, it sucks to have to tell them to focus and be quiet because its time to work every 2 minutes nonstop, also the shifts have been crazy 9 am to 6 pm (on good days) or to 7:30 pm (on bad days) I'm just not cut for that, I can take a stand and earn their respect but its exhausting, I learned how to work and focus on chaotic environments but having to monitor the chaos and make it stop its something I don't want to do, I can do it but it doesn't make me feel any good about the job or myself, I function on logic mostly and kids don't understand logic very well, they seek the immediate pleasure, they somehow can't grasp that if they focus and do their homework they will have the rest of the afternoon to play! They rather drag the homework for hours and hours and waste the whole afternoon dragging it then the logic option I stated above.. it baffles me, but looking back I distinctly remember never wanting to do my homework LOL so I guess I can't blame them but I also need to keep whatever's left of my sanity so I'm going to look for another job eventually... very soon. 

I'm not looking to start a career at the moment, I need a part-time job where I can save money for college and organize my life, I'm not ready for an 11 hour job, 7 days a week... with noisy kids (they are also sweet sometimes but mostly noisy).

Want to know what I also remembered from back in the day regarding homework? In middle school I wouldn't do my homework so my sister would go through my notebooks at night and do my homework for me LOL and the next day Id be all sleepy telling my teacher i didn't do my homework just to open my notebook and find it done, and it be like "err never mind Mrs. Whatevercan'trecallasingleteachersname, I've done it after all" ...yup, and I dedicate this post to my sis for that, love ya <3

Monday, July 7, 2014


Well this is it, I finished my curricular internship and now my report is due Thursday, and there are still a couple of things left to write and I'm stuck, that is why I'm writing here I just needed to escape a little, I can't believe it's almost over, I already feel older and different looking back on these three years of school, I met some great people that I want to keep in my life forever and some I will gladly say goodbye to cause they failed to make any lasting impression on me (and I'm sure I failed to do the same to them) that's just the way it is, and then you get that feel that at times you dedicated more of your time to people who didn't matter as much as they do now, living and learning.

Knowing myself, I will definitely miss taking notes and studying for shit but hopefully I'll be able to apply for college next year.

I better get back to my report, talk to you soon blog!

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Dear Blog, I missed you

I've finally managed to get the time to post! And weren't I so tired I'd be bursting with hyperness.
The internship is going good, there is only a month and four days left to go.

Tonight I'm having one of the best Friday night's I've had in a long time, my BFL (big fat lover) has a concert tonight and since is outside town and I'm short on funds I'm saying in, and its amazing! I had homemade chicken nuggets and chips for dinner and have been playing Tomb Raider (2013) which is pretty great since I have to wait until November for Far Cry 4, and the game concept is very similar. I'm not too far ahead in TR yet but its been good so far, I grew up playing all of the previous games (except for Angel of Darkness) and although at first I missed the original Lara, and thought this new Lara was such a pussy, I quickly understood the redesign, I think it was the only salvageable way to release a new TR. I have space in my heart for both old and new Lara and aside from the overall more realistic Lara I just LOVE that for once she doesn't bump repeatedly on waist length surfaces when all I want is for her to climb 'em.

And after this a little bit of Sims, just because tonight I can!Which btw reminds me that the Sims 4 is looking REALLY awesome so far, can't wait for that too.

Oooh! And tonight I'm also using a heater to dry my laundry, otherwise I won't have a thing to wear this weekend, the lack of clean laundry made me dig up my Iggy Pop T-shirt this morning, which although its a tiny bit short on the waist its still as awesome as ever.

Looooove, Koré ;3

Saturday, March 8, 2014


Hello! As usual I should be doing school work but I felt the urge to do something a little more creative and personal so I decided to post. School has been dull, but its almost over and I will have other worries coming my way, and much more excited ones too, like college and working again (hopefully) I'm very excited, and I usually don't like to raise my expectation too high but If I don't allow myself to get excited over my goals then what fun would it be to have any? It wouldn't be fun at all!

Most times I would like to be able to connect to people more, but I don't want to go that extra mile and expose myself as much as other people do, it doesn't feel like me, the truth is that I don't give much of a damn about receiving "likes" and being "shared" or whatever, but at the same time in some cases I can appreciate what people share about themselves or their creations, so I don't know... I know that receiving online or even real life attention from lots of people doesn't interest me, but unfortunately by not surrendering to that I end up alienating myself from people, sometimes I just don't know....

Monday, February 3, 2014

erk berk derk

All of this school work is kind of making me think twice about going to college next year, sometimes I wonder 'what's the point?' and then I feel lazy and bad for not being motivated....

Monday, January 27, 2014

Barbie Hand Earrings

Hii! I am happy to post but kind of disappointed in the quality of the pictures, but that is what happens when your camera isn't working and you have to use a potato instead, but I suppose everybody loves pixels, they are kind of like glitter and all! Lol anyway here are the pictures, the last two are very similar but show a different perspective of the top half.

I just heated the earring hooks and inserted them in the Barbie's butchered hands, then decorated with glittery nail polish and added blood and bone effect (or tried to) also added a dark blue bead for a ring.
I will eventually get a better quality picture of the finished product :D I am really happy with these.

Well now it's time to get some coffee and do some school work, due tomorrow... as always x)

Farewell ;*****

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Just a small change

Hello dear blog! 

Although I have created this blog as an attempt (failed) to motivate myself to act upon my creative ideas, I sometimes also feel the need to just write, or vent even. Therefore, I decided that I will use it for both things, because I'm not a big fan of having diverse blogs for different purposes, unless it was for a project I know I would post regularly and exclusively about, and we already realized that I can't quite stick to that haven't we!?

Yaaaay it's Saturday! No school and I can take a nap before doing all my chores and school work x3

Love ;*

Friday, December 27, 2013


I have been meaning to for a little while but I haven't been home and it doesn't feel right writing somewhere else. (I am still not home but I'll do it anyways)
I started knitting again, made a small scarf for my baby nephew, It didn't came out as good as I hoped, but oh well, next time will be better... I hope.

I am making a pair of Barbie hand earrings, I have wanted a pair for a long time xD

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Betsey Johnson Inspired Earrings

This is the creation that motivated me to create this blog, so it made sense that it should be the first thing I post here.


I made these earrings based on a pair created by Betsey Johnson a few years ago. 

I couldn't find any official pictures of them but I did find some pictures on this website.

Having the similar seahorse was what mostly made me want to give it a try and do this.

I glued the rhinestones to make their eyes, the golden seashell is an actual seashell I painted with golden nail polish and I'm sure you can tell I dipped those chains into nail polish ;P

They came out differently of how I would have made them back then but I'm actually glad I waited because I'm really happy with this result =)